The TRANSdisciplinary Convergence in Educational Neuroscience Doctoral (TRANSCEND) training program seeks to address two major challenges facing our educational system:

(1) designing and delivering education that helps each student reach their full potential and (2) closing the achievement gap that negatively impacts youth from underrepresented groups (URGs).

This NSF funded program is grounded in Educational Neuroscience (EdNeuro), a cross-disciplinary field which promises to revolutionize education by transcending the present one-size-fits-all approach and personalizing learning. Our approach seeks to help realize EdNeuro’s potential by bringing together transdisciplinary research training in Psychology, Cognitive Neuroscience, Education, Engineering, Computer Science and Math.  With a strong emphasis on neurodiversity, team science, and co-creation of research and training opportunities with community stakeholders TRANSCEND will prepare diverse cohorts of trainees (50 PhD students, including 25 funded trainees) with the technical and transferable professional skills needed to excel in the 21st century STEM workforce within and outside of academia.

Image of a brain model.

Innovation in EdNeuro

TRANSCEND integrates faculty from 3 colleges/schools and 5 departments, currently siloed within distinct degree programs. Our integrated EdNeuro Bidirectional Approach and Cyclical Model that requires convergence of multiple disciplines, will lead to more ecologically valid research grounded in practice, and rapid translation of research to practice.


TRANSCEND centers neurodiverse learners (e.g., with ADHD, dyslexia, and/or autism  spectrum disorder) both as a key population of investigation and as trainees. TRANSCEND will prioritize recruitment and retention of neurodiverse trainees, capitalizing on our expansive network including NSF  INCLUDES partners.

A scientist observes a functional MRI test in front of the scanner.
Two research assistants placing EEG electrodes on a child participant's scalp.

Team Science

We expand on UConn NRTs that leveraged problem-based learning, and add deliberate and formal implementation of team science approaches while considering diversity (in both demography and expertise) to enhance team creativity and productivity; and to facilitate collaborations, cultural competence, and career readiness. The Graduate School will support efforts to develop new modes of dissertation research based on transdisciplinary teams.


To enhance TRANSCEND’s impact, the program will cultivate a culture of support and sense of belonging through internships; receiving and providing mentorship; and participation of partners, community  stakeholders, trainees’ families, and faculty and students from other institutions in program activities. Transformations to graduate training and research will be sustained beyond NSF funding by a planned  graduate certificate in EdNeuro. Practices and strategies learned will be disseminated widely for other institutions to follow the TRANSCEND model.

Four scientists with EEG electrodes placed on their scalp.


  • An internship opportunity @Newsela
    Newsela is hiring an intern for this summer. They are looking for someone with: strong quantitative skills and; an interest in educational technology Please contact Kayleigh Ryherd (she/her), Lead Research Analyst @Newsela, at for more information.

Upcoming Events

  1. Art Exhibit in Celeste LeWitt Gallery at UConn Health All Day 10/15
  2.  Employee Art Exhibit Employee Art Exhibit All Day 10/15
  3. Urology Grand Rounds All Day 10/15
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